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High-end Line Scan Camera Overview

What is High-end Line Scan Camera?

The Lano Photonics High-end Line Scan Camera is a top-of-the-line solution specifically designed for demanding industrial automation applications. This camera offers exceptional features, capabilities, and specialized specifications that set it apart from other options in the market.

One of the standout features of the camera is its high sensitivity and low noise performance. This allows for precise and accurate imaging even in low-light conditions, ensuring reliable detection and inspection. The camera's ability to capture clear and detailed images in challenging environments makes it a valuable tool for industrial automation tasks that require high sensitivity.

The Lano Photonics High-end Line Scan Camera provides advanced control options for optimizing image quality. With analog gain, digital gain, and bias control, users can adjust various parameters to achieve the desired image characteristics. This flexibility in control enables fine-tuning of the camera's performance to suit specific application requirements.

Exposure time control is another notable capability of the camera. It allows users to adjust the exposure duration to capture images with optimal brightness and contrast. This flexibility in exposure control is particularly valuable in industrial automation applications where precise control over image acquisition is essential.

The camera offers a complete range of interfaces, providing versatility in connectivity options. Whether it's Camera Link, CoaXPress, or other common interfaces, the camera ensures seamless integration with existing systems and compatibility with a wide range of industrial automation setups.

In terms of image quality enhancement, the Lano Photonics High-end Line Scan Camera incorporates several correction techniques. Camera-side flat-field correction eliminates variations in illumination across the field of view, ensuring consistent brightness and color accuracy. Fixed-pattern noise correction reduces unwanted noise artifacts, enhancing image clarity. Additionally, optoelectronic-response inconsistency correction improves the consistency of pixel response, minimizing image inconsistencies and artifacts.

While not explicitly mentioned, the camera's tolerance for extreme temperatures and compatibility with specific software systems may vary depending on the specific model or options chosen within the Lano Photonics High-end Line Scan Camera product line. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer's specifications or contact Lano Photonics directly to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on these aspects.

What are the specifications of High-end Line Scan Camera?

Image Type
  • Color
  • Hyperspectral
  • Monochrome
  • Multispectral
  • MWIR
  • Near-infrared
  • SWIR
Frame rate 100 FPS

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