TUGBOT is best for automating cart transport in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and logistics. In facilities that require frequent movement of carts, trolleys, dollies, or any other wheeled vehicles, TUGBOT can be easily integrated into existing operations without the need for any physical modification.

One of the main advantages of TUGBOT is its flexibility. It can pull any cart, regardless of its size, shape, or type, thanks to its range of mechanical grippers. This makes it an ideal solution for facilities with a diverse fleet of carts that require automation.

In manufacturing facilities, TUGBOT can be used to transport raw materials and finished goods between production lines or from storage to production areas. In healthcare facilities, it can be used to transport medical supplies and equipment, enabling faster and more efficient delivery. In retail and logistics, it can be used to move products from storage to the sales floor or loading dock.

TUGBOT is also an ideal solution for facilities with heavy foot traffic, as it can navigate its way around obstacles and people safely and efficiently. This makes it a great option for facilities that require frequent movement of carts but want to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries.

Overall, TUGBOT is a cost-effective and efficient solution for automating cart transport in a wide range of industries. Its flexibility, ease of integration, and ability to navigate around obstacles make it a versatile and valuable addition to any facility that requires intra-logistics automation.