Fabio Florian
Fabio Florian
Sep 25, 2023
- 2021
The R&D project was about building an Automated Paint System using an UR3 robot and a special spray gun.
Easy to set up and create simple programs
High Quality Materials
Expensive both cobot itself and tools
Programming skills necessary for creating necessary paths and more complex programs
Very limited Reach

Verified user
Jul 17, 2023
- 2022
We use this robot in an experiment with end-users trying a block-based language for mobile robots. UR5 was mounted on top of a MiR 250 mobile robot, and it was used by the participants to solve a pick-and-place task using our block-based language. In general, I must say that this is a very solid robot. Universal Robots, in my personal opinion, is one of (if not the) best companies in terms of software development support. Using their API we were able to implement the language as we wanted. The robot itself is also very easy to manipulate using lead-through mode; the participants in our experiment had no issues manipulating it. In terms of operating system and configuration, Universal Robots is also really good, no issues at all.