Railan Santos
RS Automation
Nov 24, 2021
- 2019
I've been programming industrial robots for 7+ years. I provide services to major manufacturers such as KUKA, ABB, FANUC and COMAU.
The programming interface with the TP language does not require any new knowledge for those who already work with FANUC's robots. In addition, the menu itself of options and settings hardly changes.
While maintaining the same characteristics as fanuc's conventional robots, THE TP is lame in its interface. Not making life easier for new users who know nothing about robots. Thus sinin in the usability itis. Increasing the learning curve.

Verified user
Apr 28, 2021
Huge opportunities, low mobility
This is typical M20iA35 robot in green skin with cobot options, It's full industrial robot with Profisafe.
Sensor which is mounted below the robot is huge, from that reason it's not possible in easy way to demount and mount the robot in fast way. All replacement must be done by qualifying maintenance team.