Verified user
Feb 9, 2023
- 2019
Expensive but good robot
This model is very good, much more robust than competitors. I found this model very popular in the research community, which makes easy to find online support.
The robot was pretty expensive. For academic research, it is hard to afford kuka's requests. Moreover, the use is less user-friendly w.r.t. other competitors. Hard to use as first experience. This model is also pretty old, and we had multiple issues (both mechanical and connection-related) during the use from time to time (but our model was many years old).

Alessandro Palleschi
University of Pisa
Oct 30, 2022
- 2021
We used the robot in our research lab for pick-and-place applications, human-robot collaboration, and depalletizing operations.
7-DOF manipulator that integrates joint torque sensors and allows for direct torque control.
This robot was really expensive at the time. The programming interface through the teach pendant is not really user-friendly, so it will take some time to understand how to program the robot.
Kuka does not provide an official ROS wrapper, so you need to rely on third-part software packages that are not always optimized or reliable.