Kime, developed by Macco Robotics, is a humanoid robot designed specifically for the food and beverage industry, addressing the challenges of staff shortages and ensuring operational efficiency. Equipped with AI and robotics technology, Kime can autonomously prepare and serve a wide range of products, including coffee, juices, cocktails, and pre-packaged meals. Its sleek design and automated functionality make it suitable for high-traffic locations, reducing wait times and enhancing service consistency.

One of Kime's standout features is its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing restaurant and hospitality systems, allowing businesses to optimize workflows and gather customer data. It is capable of face recognition, personalized recommendations, and cashless transactions, offering a modern, interactive experience. Its modular system ensures adaptability, enabling it to cater to diverse environments such as airports, hotels, stadiums, and events.

Kime’s applications extend beyond traditional food service, with deployments in various settings such as coworking spaces, museums, and gas stations, providing a reliable and scalable solution for businesses looking to automate food and beverage operations. Its continuous operation without fatigue, combined with its data analytics capabilities, makes it a valuable tool for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • Combustion
  • Electric
  • Fuel Cells
  • Hydraulic
  • Pneumatic
Product mass 150 kg
Height 180 m
Payload 5 kg