1. Healthcare Assistance: The Sanctuary AI Phoenix robot excels in healthcare settings, performing tasks such as patient care and assistance. With its human-like dexterity and mobility, it can help with physical therapy, patient mobility, and routine care tasks, enhancing both patient care and operational efficiency.
  2. Manufacturing Support: In manufacturing environments, Phoenix can perform complex assembly tasks requiring fine motor skills and adaptability. Its ability to handle payloads up to 25 kg and operate at human-like speeds facilitates seamless integration into production lines, increasing both safety and productivity.
  3. Service Industry: The Phoenix robot is well-suited for service roles in hospitality and retail, where its human-like interaction capabilities allow it to perform customer service tasks. It can assist with greeting customers, providing information, and handling products or services, improving the customer experience and operational efficiency.
  4. Research and Development: In research facilities, Phoenix supports experimental setups and manipulations that require high precision and reliability. Its versatile AI system and human-like capabilities make it an ideal tool for conducting complex scientific experiments and data collection.