Gripper mass 3.12 kg
Operation type
  • Angular
  • Parallel
  • Vacuum
  • Palletizer
  • Magnetic
  • Adhesive
  • Soft
  • Radial
  • Centric
Gripper mass kg
Energy source
  • Electric
  • Compressed air
  • Hydraulic powered
Protection (IP) IP40
Extra info • Suitable for collaborative robot applications • Suction cups gripping interface • Handling products of various sizes, shapes and weights • Simple or multiple gripping • Vertical or Horizontale handling • Easy and fast installation • The URCap plugin specially designed for the CVGL vacuum gripper allows simplified integration and programming.

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CVGL335XA50C1 Alternatives

See all 563 Grippers
Robotiq Epick

3.5/5 (1)

AGS Vacuum Pads
Payload 100kg | Vacuum

5/5 (1)

AGS Automation's vacuum pads, specifically the suction pad (vacuum cup) SG, are a reliable and cost-effective solution for handling components. With various designs, materials, and sizes available, these vacuum pads can be customized to fit the needs of any application. The suction pad SG can be attached directly to a profile, making it a great option for a range of industries.The simplicity of the suction pad SG is what makes it such an appealing option for many manufacturers. It works by creating a vacuum between the pad and the component being handled, allowing for a secure grip. This process is reliable and can be repeated over and over again without any loss of suction.In addition to the standard design, there are various other designs available to suit specific needs. For instance, a rigid suction pad can be used for components that require a sturdier grip, while a twistable suction pad is ideal for components that need to be rotated during the handling process. There are also spring-loaded suction pads that can adapt to components with varying shapes and sizes.One of the key benefits of AGS Automation's vacuum pads is their ability to be used in conjunction with a lifting unit. This allows for components to be lifted and transported without the need for manual labor. The lifting unit can be controlled by a remote, making it easy to maneuver the components into the desired position. The materials used to make these vacuum pads are also customizable. This allows them to be used in a range of environments, from cleanrooms to harsh manufacturing settings. Different materials can be used for different applications, ensuring that the suction pad SG is a versatile solution for a variety of industries. In summary, AGS Automation's vacuum pads are a reliable and cost-effective solution for handling components. The suction pad SG is the simplest and most common type of vacuum pad, with various designs, materials, and sizes available. It can be attached directly to a profile or used in conjunction with a lifting unit, making it a versatile option for a range of industries.
Onrobot VG10 Vacuum Gripper
Payload 10kg | Vacuum

4.1/5 (1)

The flexible arms and adjustable vacuum enables the VG10 to handle a range of objects in varying sizes. Seamless integration with Universal Robots and support of generic robot interfaces make the VG10 ideal for all types of robots. The gripper comes with dual grip functionality, tool changer and a variety of typical vacuum cups.
Gimatic KIT-UR-V
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Robotiq AirPick

3.5/5 (1)

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Vacuum gripper for spindle interfaces for handling flat components.
Coval Carbon Vacuum Gripper
Payload 30kg | Vacuum
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ABB FlexGripper - Vacuum
Payload 40kg | Vacuum
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The ABB FlexGripper - Vacuum is an innovative end-of-arm tool designed for industrial automation and specifically for palletizing applications. It is a versatile and easy-to-use tool that can be quickly and easily integrated with ABB IRB 460 or IRB 660 palletizing robots. The FlexGripper - Vacuum is a plug-and-play extension that can be installed and configured in a matter of minutes, making it an excellent choice for companies looking to improve their production efficiency without investing in costly and time-consuming retooling.One of the standout features of the FlexGripper - Vacuum is its impressive handling capability. It can handle up to 40 kilograms and up to 10 products at the same time, making it an ideal choice for palletizing heavy products or large quantities of smaller products. This capability is particularly useful in industries such as food and beverage, consumer goods, and logistics, where the ability to quickly and efficiently palletize products is essential for maintaining high levels of production.Another key feature of the FlexGripper - Vacuum is its flexibility. The vacuum system is adjustable, allowing it to be optimized for a wide range of products, including products with irregular shapes or sizes. This makes it an ideal choice for companies that produce a variety of products and need a versatile tool that can be easily adapted to different production lines.In addition to its standout features, the FlexGripper - Vacuum also offers a range of specialized specifications that make it a unique option for industrial automation. For example, it has a wide temperature tolerance, making it suitable for use in extreme environments such as cold storage facilities or hot manufacturing environments. It is also compatible with a range of software systems, including ABB's RobotStudio and RobotWare, making it easy to integrate into existing automation systems.
Schmalz SBPG bin picker
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Bimba CRVTA-060M-60-P-0000
No reviews yet.
UniGripper Co/Light Regular
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