Types of Cobots: A Quick Guide

Ever wondered how collaborative robots work safely with humans? Well, there are four types of cobots: Power and Force Limiting, Safety Rated and Monitored Stop, Speed and Separation, and Hand Guiding. They all follow strict safety standards.

These cobots aren’t all the same. Power and Force Limiting cobots use advanced sensors for safety and can work with standard industrial robots. The other three cobots have their unique features for specific needs.

Find out what makes each type special and choose the one that suits your needs best.

Universal Robots

Types of Cobots:

1. Power and Force Limiting Cobots:

Power and force limiting cobots are a secure choice for human-robot teamwork. They have advanced sensors to prevent accidents and stop when they touch a person, reducing the chance of harm. If a risk assessment says it’s safe, you don’t need extra safety gear like vision systems or barriers.

However, these cobots have their downsides. They can be slower, smaller, and less strong than the other three types. Heavy loads and precise tasks might be tricky for them.

Still, power and force limiting cobots have a unique place in the world of collaborative robots. They are one of the four categories based on safety features. They’re a cost-effective option that doesn’t compromise safety, making them suitable for many uses.

2. Joint Sensing:

Joint sensing cobots are smart robots that can feel the forces on their joints. This helps them work smoothly with humans. They come in two types: one with sensors for super-precise measurements and the other uses motor current to check forces.

One big plus with these cobots is how easy they are to use. They’re made to be simple and easy to understand. That’s why they’re perfect for working with people. You can teach them to do tricky tasks, follow specific paths, and even change what they’re doing in real-time based on the forces involved. This makes them great for jobs that need to be super precise, flexible, and delicate, just like what a human can do.

Whether you’re a small business or a big factory, joint-sensing cobots are a smart choice for making work more automated and safe.

3. Skin Sensing:

Skin-sensing cobots are robots that can feel touch. They have special sensors to check if something touches them. When they sense a touch, they stop to keep people safe.

These robots need extra training to work well, but they’re great for safety. They’re often used in electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food industries. They’re really good at doing careful and precise tasks.

4. Force Sensor Base:

Force Sensor Base cobots are a type of robot that’s strong and safe to work with people. They can lift heavy things and feel touch with special sensors.

But, setting up these robots can be tricky and needs technical knowledge. They are not as simple to use as some other types.

5. Inherently Safe:

Inherently Safe cobots focus on safety. They can’t lift heavy things, so they’re less likely to hurt people. But, the tools they use on their “hands” could change how safe they are. These cobots are best for jobs that are not very risky and involve working with people, but they may not be good for really tough tasks.


To read more about Cobots.

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